Ca va? Je suis tres bien, merci! Je voudrais parler avec vous sur apprendre à parler français.
Okay, basically...I am learning to speak French at the moment and I thought I would share this journey with you kind folks?
First off before I forget, can any of my readers speak French? If so, please comment below and encourage me / practice with me if you so wish. I need all the help I can get!
I have wanted to be bi-lingual for a long time now and always feel ashamed that the Brits have such a reputation for not having / bothering to learn other languages "because everyone speaks English already", it's lazy and I don't like it!
A pipe dream of my husband and I's at the moment is to "one day move to France and live in a gorgeous chateau in the French Alps". However far fetched this seems at the moment I believe it is important for everyone to have dreams and goals that they wish to work towards, this is ours. Ergo, the need to speak French has arisen.
With fluency in French being our ultimate goal we have set ourselves several tasks to carry out which will hopefully help us achieve this:
We are attending an evening beginners and improvers fast track French course at an adult college.
I have purchased one of my all time favourite books "Twilight" part un which is called "Fascination" en France. I figured that knowing the plot and kind of being able to predict what I am reading would help. I am going to read a couple of pages a day armed with a dictionary and figure that by the end of the book, surely my French will be good, right?
Short from being able to completely immerse ourselves and live in France for a year and only speak to French people we really are doing all we can!
I am on the third Michel Thomas audio CD out of seven and it certainly gets you talking from the word go. He gives you lots of rules that will allow you to speak hundreds of words immediately just because the endings are pronounced differently. For example, any word in English ending in ary is pronounced aire, necessary is necessaire *said with French accent*.
If you would like and find it useful, let me know in the comments below and I shall provide reviews and updates on the course as I go through the CD's?
This is all I have to report at the moment and please please wish me luck, I need it!
What methods have you tried to make yourself fluent in a language? What has worked for you?