Tuesday, 27 August 2013

DIY: How to bleached jeans stage 1 - Carrie Bradshaw aka Sarah Jessica Parker Sex and the City inspired

carrie bradshaw sarah jessica parker satc sex and the city movie 2 bleached jeans uggs

Hey guys

Over the weekend I decided I wanted to do something a bit different.  I last used this technique when I was in secondary school around 15 years old so some time has passed but as I was looking through pictures of my most favourite programme EVER (SEX AND THE CITY) I noticed Carrie Bradshaw aka Sarah Jessica Parker wears some similar jeans to what I used to create and that they look great on her.

I am very much a wear things I like kinda gal, even if they arent "current" in the shops at the moment, I would rather look original than walk past 10 girls in the high street wearing the same outfit as me! Anywho, I digress...

I took an old pair of jeans (just incase something went wrong although the whole process is pretty fool proof) and laid them out in my parents garage on top of some unwanted polythene bags. 

carrie bradshaw sarah jessica parker satc sex and the city movie 2 bleached jeans uggs

I took a basic bottle of bleach (think mine is Tesco's own!) and just started spatting random dots of bleach about the place. Dont squeeze the bottle too hard, in fact bearly at all as you do not want massive splodges, just dots and lines if you get my drift.

carrie bradshaw sarah jessica parker satc sex and the city movie 2 bleached jeans uggs
Leave the bleach to soak in for a while then turn the jeans over and do the other side in the same way.

carrie bradshaw sarah jessica parker satc sex and the city movie 2 bleached jeans uggs
Once the bleach has finished setting in, I would say leave them around 1 hour, put your jeans in the washing machine and put them on a cycle with WATER ONLY.  No detergent or fabric softner.  As you will see from the pic below, they bubble up quite nicely on their own!

carrie bradshaw sarah jessica parker satc sex and the city movie 2 bleached jeans uggs
You will find when the waashing machine is finished that your bleached jeans still smell terribly of bleach, then put them on a wash using washing tablets/liquid and fabric softner now that the worst of the bleach is out.
You might find that they still have a slight "tang" to them but this will go over time the more times you wash them.
And here is the final product, stage 1 complete!

carrie bradshaw sarah jessica parker satc sex and the city movie 2 bleached jeans uggs

carrie bradshaw sarah jessica parker satc sex and the city movie 2 bleached jeans uggs
The next stage is to add studs and crystals and distress them like Carrie Bradshaw's, you can find the link to Stage 2 blog post by clicking here. (To be added once written).
Let me know what you think and whether you have ever tried bleaching your jeans before? Do you like the look on Sarah Jessica Parker aka Carrie Bradshaw? Do you like SATC for that matter?!
Until next time...
Robin Sparkles


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