Tuesday 12 June 2012

Instagram - What is your favourite lense / effect

Hey guys

Today I wanted to get peoples opinions on the craze that is Instagram .  I must admit that I love this app on my old iPhone so much that I have kept hold of my iPhone was well as my new Blackberry just so that I can use Instagram! (Unfortunately this app is crazy well not available on Blackberry App World - sort it out Blackberry!)

I have tried different apps on Blackberry that claim to do the same sort of thing but lets be honest, they don't come close to Instagram on iPhone / Android.

Do you have a favourite effect / lense that you like to use on Instagram? What do you like taking pictures of with Instagram?

Please comment below or share links to your blog with Instagram photos that you have posted.

Here are some of my own Instagram photos below :0) - let me know what you think.

Take care guys

Robin Sparkles

Castle instagram photo picture
Castle using Instagram

Hedge garden instagram photo
Hedge row using Instagram

Jubilee Cake Instagram Photo
Jubilee cake using Instagram


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