Friday 22 June 2012

Yarn bombing - the next stage of my yarn bomb is complete!

Hey guys,

I just thought I would give you a quick update with where my yarn bomb is at.

As I told you in my last post about yarn bombing, I am going to try my first yarn bomb on a tree in my local park.

I have made my first piece which will be used to go round the trunk of the tree up to where the first branch stems out from. I will then make a further section to join that branch to the stem of the trunk and so on and so forth... Well this is in theory!

Anywho, here is my first piece:

yarn bombing knit crochet tree
Yarn bombing - finished piece ready to plant!

I am trying to keep the pieces as bright and colourful as possible so that it is a very fun and happy yarn bomb for people to see! :0)

I am hoping to go and plant my yarn bomb tonight so I will keep you updated with how I get on.

For now, take care guys.

Robin Sparkles

yarn bombing knit crochet tree
Yarn bomb - finished piece


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