Monday 25 June 2012

Yarn Bombing - my yarn bomb is planted!

yarn bomb park tree
Yarn bomb - from a distance
Can you spot it?!

Hey guys

Just to give you a quick update on my first yarn bomb experience.  I went to a park near me on Friday evening (yep, my life is soooo rock 'n' roll!) and have managed to plant my first ever yarn bomb.

It may not look like much to some, but I am extremely proud of it and felt quite excited to leave it there and wonder what people will think or say when they see it.  I am going to create a second piece now and attach it below to cover the rest of the tree trunk.

I am hoping to go back this evening and check it has survived some pretty horrid weather over the weekend and shall let you know what I find.

All in all, my first yarn bombing experience gets a thumbs up from me! :0)  Feel free to comment below, I look forward to reading some.

Thanks for reading and take care.

Robin Sparkles

Yarn bomb tree sock
Yarn bomb tree sock

yarn bomb tree wool
Yarn bomb - close up


  1. I LOVE it!! What a happy, wonderful, awesome thing to do!

    Bless you for making the world more colorful!

    1. Aww thanks Cheryl, i am glad you like it :-) i must say i did stand back and think, yay that should brighten up peoples day!


Thank you for your comment, I look forward to reading it :0)


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