Wednesday 24 February 2016

Cheeky Wipes Reusable Baby Wipes Kit Review

cheeky wipes baby reusable eco-friendly kit cloth

cheeky wipes cloth baby reusable eco-friendly kit

Hey guys 

I wanted to share a purchase with you that I made over the weekend.  I went to The Baby Show and suffice to say I spent too much! Only meant to get some cot bumpers and didnt even get them...

One of the products we did invest in were Cheeky Wipes which can be found at

We spoke to the creator for a long time and learnt of why she had come up with this concept in the first place.  They are basically cloth cotton mini flannels that you use on baby and then wash in the washing machine with the rest of your washing.  You have a clean wipes box where you keep clean ones in water with chamomile and lavender oil, and then a mucky wipes box that contains teatree and lemon oil.  Within the mucky wipes box is a mesh laundry bag so you just take out the whole thing and put it straight in the washing machine.

For more information on the concept and products be sure to check out their website.  They are available in the UK and Australia.  

We have been using them for four days now and shall not look back.  We will save a huge amount of money not buying disposable wipes and I feel great that I am doing my bit for the environment.  They actually make the nursery smell amazing too!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've just found your site through one of your Filofax YT videos and have noticed that you also love to crochet which is one of my other hobbies. I love your crochet creations especially your Converse baby shoes. I have a main blog but also a Filofax one which I've just started:- and also on a couple of Filofax Facebook groups. I shall definitely come back here for more reading and I'll link you to my Filofax blog if you don't mind.


Thank you for your comment, I look forward to reading it :0)


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