Friday 30 September 2016

Hexie Love Actually pattern by Pink Stitches

hexie love actually CAL crochet pink stitches green letter day hexagons blanket

I recently made a Hexie Love Actually crochet blanket for a swap with a lady on Instagram (she made me a Catch All Caddy pattern by Annie in return). I'll post a photo pf my gifted caddy in a different post - its amazeballs!

The Hexie Love Actually pattern is by Pink Stitches and can be found on Ravelry here.  It is a paid pattern.

You can follow the designer on Instagram @greenletterday by clicking here, her photos are fabulous and very inspirational.

I absolutely love the way the colours came together and I almost didnt want to send it, but I guess that is the sign of a good gift when you would love to keep it for yourself.

What do you guys think of my Hexie Love Actually crochet blanket?

Robin x


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