Thursday 9 October 2014

My (small) Filofax Collection

filofax original patent purple A5 raspberry finsbury black identity pocket pink breast cancer awareness planner organiser

Yep, this is my Filofax collection albeit small in comparison to some out there.  However, I am proud of it all the same and although there are a tonne of Filofax's I would love to own and I think look pretty, I am not in a position to justify having 20 Filofax's sitting on my shelf right now!

My collection consists of:

Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Pocket Filofax

This was my first filofax I ever got whilst I was at University.  I used to make note of all my lectures and classes and I also had a part-time job so used to keep track of my shifts in there too.  It was invaluable to me and I soon recorded every single life plan that I made in it.

Black Identity Pocket Filofax

My pink breast cancer pocket filofax started to get a bit grubby carrying it around in my handbag etc, but at the time didn't feel like I wanted/needed anything bigger.  Therefore I opted to get a black (dirt resistant!) pocket identity filofax.  This served me well for a couple more years until I finally decided that I was using my filofax so much and getting into decorating the pages that I possibly might finally need something slightly bigger.

Raspberry Finsbury Personal Filofax

I got this Filofax to give me the bigger pages I was after.  I also liked all the pockets and zip pocket that is within this filofax.  The problem with this one for me is I want to keep it perfect, which doesn't make for a daily filofax for me to carry around in my handbag.  It is also a bit big for some of my handbags which is a shame.  I mentioned in my YouTube video that I hadn't really bonded with this filofax yet and I think I still feel this way although maybe I haven't given it a chance.  The filofax is a nightmare to "train" it wants to shut all the time which also puts me off I think.

Patent Purple Original A5 Filofax

I got this filofax for my home renovation planning and I would say that this is my most happiest purchase to date.  The size of the pages are perfect for what I am using it for and the colour is to die for.  Very very pleased that I opted for this gorgeous filofax and that I am lucky enough to have it sitting on my shelf.

So there it is, my little collection.  Do you have any of the Filofax's I have?  What is your favourite Filofax? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

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