Tuesday 21 August 2012

Nail Stamping Special Polish HELP!

Hey guys

This post is actually to ask for help from my very knowledgable blog followers regarding special polishes to use for nail stamping. I want to get myself a black and a white polish.

Obviously the main contender would be Konad but I was just wondering if there are any cheaper or better contenders that do the job just as well?

I would really appreciate your comments below of any advice you can offer. As ever, thank you so much. :-)

Robin Sparkles


  1. I've heard that W7's Black is good for stamping, although I haven't tried it myself.

    1. This is the one that I think I might try, just trying to find a couple of blogs that do use it to check quality! Thanks for your help :0)

  2. I just got my very first Konad special polish and from what I used they are great.
    As far as black Finger Paints has been great. I thought it looked a little dull at first but once I put a top coat on it darkened right up. I think that may be the cause of such frustration sometimes. A top coat helps the stamp colour come out.

    1. I have never heard of the brand finger paints, is that available in the UK? I shall have to do some research, thanks for replying :0)

  3. perfect black for stamping- Wet n Wild: Black Creme (99 cents!!) (it's also a prize on my giveaway im doing now!)
    good white would be- pure ice- super start! give them a try! :D

    1. Ooo how do I enter your prize giveaway?! Could be the perfect price for me! Not sure it is available in the UK? :0)

  4. Just about any polish that covers in one coat will work. I also use a lot of Wet n Wild or Pure Ice polishes, don't know if you can get those there either tho they're both cheap drugstore brands. The way I test them is if you pull out the brush and watch the polish run back down the neck of the bottle, if it goes fast or you can see thru it it's no good but if it goes down slow and it's opaque it'll probably work. (if that makes sense. lol) I've never used any special polishes. I had plenty of ones already in my stash that worked just fine. also a lot of holos and metallics work great. :)

    1. Thank you for the tips, that makes sense. I have found I have a few that work that aren't "special", just wasnt sure if blacks and whites would work so well.
      My metallic Barry M's are awesome for it.


Thank you for your comment, I look forward to reading it :0)


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